This article is about how old Beaconsthorpe castle is. It’s also about the history of the place and why it’s called Beaconsthorpe. The castle is an English Heritage property, and has been since 1981. It was built in 1700 by John Vanbrugh for Sir William Fermor. Beaconsthorpe Castle has a round tower with a clock tower on top that you can climb up to because it’s not open to the public right now.
The castle was built for military purposes during times of war, but later became a private residence. It is a three storey building that has many rooms, including a room for the Baron. The castle was once surrounded by an inner court with an outer court of its own, and no major changes have been made to this original design, which reflects the strong military character of the building.
The castle became popular with royalty because they often hunted deer in nearby Wollaton Park. Several kings and queens visited here, including Queen Anne. The castle became more like a stately home when it was later occupied by William Fermor. He was said to be the richest commoner in England at that time. To show off his wealth he built an ornate staircase costing £1,000 in 1703. This was a huge amount of money at that time. Sadly, the staircase had to be demolished when the castle became too dilapidated in 1960.
Researchers think that the name Beaconsthorpe was inspired by an old beacon on top of a hill that would have been used to warn people about Norman invaders. The castle also has some Roman remains, with a mosaic floor and pottery found on site. This shows that this area was inhabited long before Beaconsthorpe castle was built. The ruins are now in the care of English Heritage, who give it almost £1million for conservation each year.
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